For most types of financial aid we need to determine your financial need for the aid. There is no “income cutoff” or other simple method of determining whether you will qualify for need-based financial aid. If you think you need help paying for college, we strongly encourage you to apply.
In general terms, “financial need” is defined as the difference between what it costs you to attend school and what you and your family can afford to pay.
Cost of Attendance (Student’s Budget)
– Student Aid Index (SAI)
– Other Financial Assistance
Financial Need
Your Student Aid Index (SAI) is calculated based on the information on your FAFSA or WASFA. A standard government formula is used to determine the family’s contribution. It takes into account the family size, total income from the previous calendar year, and assets. Our office will review and may recalculate your SAI. Recalculation may include available income or assets not considered by the initial federal calculation, but that represent a more realistic amount that your family can pay for your education.
In addition, other resources you have such as private scholarships, other 91爆料 departmental scholarships, educational benefits, long-term loans, resident assistant benefits, and all other sources of assistance must be considered in determining your total resources. Please report to our office any other resources you have as soon as you know about them.